5 Essential Tips for Web Presence in 2022

Let’s play a game. Go to the Google search engine and type the name of your business. What are the results that appear? Is your business easy to find or is it drowning in a sea of other businesses? Do your customers find you or your competitors?


Does your business even appear on Google? In 2022, web presence is ESSENTIAL to business, which cannot stay afloat without it. Believe it or not, 70% of the links clicked on by search users are actually organic. This is why SEO is key to business, because if your business doesn’t appear, who is going to see it other than you? There are a few steps you can take to boost your business’s web presence and visibility.

Keywords Will Help You Tremendously

Pretend for a minute that you have a business selling yoga fitness apparel in Orlando. Your main keywords might be something along the lines of “yoga, fitness, apparel, Namaste, Orlando”.


Make sure keywords on your site are BOLD and in HEADERS. Also, make sure that your images have alt tags with your keywords in them. Don’t overlook that opportunity to boost your website’s SEO this way. Make sure keywords appear on social media hashtags and content as well.

Make Sure You Are Seen!

75% of users never scroll past the first page of search results. With the shrinking attention spans of Americans, why would they look past the first two or three pages of results?


They wouldn’t. You don’t want your business and goals to become diminished, and in the long run it is worth it to invest in a full-service marketing company that is going to push your website ranking and score to the top.


Don’t Underestimate the Power of Blogs

Create a blog for your business and make sure you update it frequently, at least once a week. Daily blogging is 25% more effective than monthly blogging.


Search engines will pick up the new content. Don’t forget to add keywords and BOLD it! Companies that blog have 434% more indexed pages.  When you have more pages indexed, this will also boost your SEO score.

Video Is Growing as A Content Platform

From makeup tutorials to kittens and various content, video has becoming a growing internet marketing tool. In 2022, video content has already accounted for 74% of all internet traffic.


500 million people are watching Facebook videos every day. Not only is video a growing tool for social media but it also helps your website rank. Don’t forget that keywords are also important in your video descriptions.

Don’t Forget Mobile Search Engines

Smartphones and tablets are used everywhere, from public transit to cafes, parks and businesses. One study found that 75% of its respondents admitted to taking their phones with them into the bathroom.


How well is your website optimized for mobile search results? Seventy-eight percent of mobile searches result in offline purchases at stores, businesses, and licensed professionals. If your business is a brick-and-mortar establishment, make sure you can be found on apps.


Fifty-six percent of survey respondents reported visiting a brick-and-mortar store after receiving a deal or offer on their mobile device when they were near the store. Here is as handy little tool to check if your business is mobile friendly.

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